Alpha your Trading Strategies.
Outperform benchmark indices with our sentiment data
Exorde's Data Features:
- Aggregations starting at minute-by-minute updates.
- Full historical data available
- Over 150 social metrics (signals) per topic (e.g. asset, equities, crypto, tokens).
- Competitive data: 3+ million unique posts, messages & articles processed every day, 1+ billion items a year, from 1500+ unique sources.
- Sources: social media, online forums, national/local forums, news articles, RSS feeds, emerging social platforms*.
- All languages - 70% English content, 7% Japanese, 6% Spanish, etc.
- More than 50 million tweets every month.
- 80% of worldwide daily newspapers.
- Large-spectrum topic coverage about Finance, Politics, Crypto, News.
- 5000+ main topics tracked.
- 50k+ unique keywords.
- 100+ languages.
- Detailed breakdown of 27 quantified emotional volumes.
- From general themes, financial sectors (e.g. stocks, digital assets, DeFi, NFTs, etc.) to specific assets, brands, companies.
- Advanced NLP and LLMs for deep, insightful metrics and language understanding.
- Exorde captures posts in real-time, allowing for analysis even after deletion (millions of tweets and forum threads/posts are deleted every day).
Exorde’s data enables trading strategies (including algo strategies) to generate alpha and outperform benchmark indices, particularly regarding digital assets and markets influenced by retail speculation.
Our AI and language analysis performs both mass and granular processes generating predictive analytics to lead market moves or be warned of changing sentiment.
Financial Asset Report and Two Pager Below. Our two-pager is an introduction to Exorde’s data and how it works with financial asset classes.
Our report evaluates the predictive power of exorde social metrics in quantitative trading, specifically regarding Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana, and the top 200 crypto tokens.
Any questions? Please contact us here!